Rec League 2024
Tuition is $224/Month
(Effective August 1, 2024)
Additional fees are required for leotard & meets
Register through the Parent Portal
(8:1 student/teacher ratio, meets twice a week for 2 hrs)
Rec League is open to all gymnasts who have been promoted to at least G4--you do NOT have to tryout to participate. Rec League has 4 competitive levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. All members will train, learn routines and compete on all Olympic events. Routines are written according to USAG Xcel requirements. New routines are choreographed every other year and floor routines are performed to music (new music and routines coming for Fall 2024). GAA hosts 5 Rec League meets per year--most meets are held on Sundays. There are additional fees incurred each year to cover the cost of meets plus a team leotard (fees vary by year). There is a NEW leotard for 2024-2026 that is burgundy, grey and black with sequins.
2024-2025 Meet Fees:
Full Year: $350 (5 meets + leotard) ​
​If joined after 10/11/24: $290 due (4 meets + leotard)
If Joined after 12/13/24: $230 due (3 meets + leotard)
$115 due by Friday, February 28th
If joined after 1/31/25: $170 due (2 meets + leotard)
$85 due by Friday, February 28th
$85 due by Friday, March 28th
2024-2025 Meet Schedule:
​(Please note dates are subject to change)
Sunday, March 30th @ GAA
Saturday & Sunday, May 17th & 18th @ GAA
(GAA Classic open to ALL Divisional Gymnasts)
Contact Ms. Beth for more information.
Email: beth@gymnasticsacademyofatlanta.com