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Policies & FAQ's

GAA Policies



Tuition is due during the first 10 days of the month (1st-10th). If tuition is paid between the 11th and 15th of the month there is a $5 late fee. If tuition is paid after the 15th of the month, there is a $10 late fee. Students will be suspended from all GAA practices and activities, and their enrolllment space forfeited, when an account is four weeks overdue. Late fees will be taken from any subsequent payments before the next month's tuition is credited. Invoices are mailed only for PAST DUE accounts. Delinquent accounts may be referred for collection. All monies paid to GAA are non-refundable. An automatic payment option is available. Please contact the Front Desk to enroll in the automatic payment program.



If you miss a class due to a serious illness or injury, we will allow a make up if a DOCTORS' Excuse is provided. We can NOT refund and/or prorate tuition due to missed classes. Make ups will be provided for classes cancelled due to inclement weather and the following holidays: Labor Day, Memorial Day and Fourth of July. Please make every effort to attend your regularly scheduled class and arrive on time in order for your child to receive the most benefit from their gymnastics experience. You will be more likely to see growth and improvement with consistent attendance.



A TWO(2) WEEK NOTICE provided to the FRONT DESK is required for withdrawal from GAA. The Fall Schedule runs for the entire school year (Summer Schedule is for June and July), and we will hold your space in a class until you tell us otherwise. Please remember GAA bases its tuition on four (4) week blocks and not on a thirty-one (31) day calendar. For example, if there are five (5) Mondays in the month of August, the fifth/last Monday would actually be considered the first day of the next month("September"). Please notify the Front Desk and NOT the coach, if you are planning to discontinue your enrollment at GAA. You are not "dropped" unless you notify the Front Desk, you will be responsible for any tuition fees charged while we hold your space in any class(es).



Frequently Asked Questions


What should my child wear to class? 


Athletic wear and leotards are preferred. Please no clothing with hooks, buttons or snaps. No shoes or socks. Please wear hair pulled back in a ponytail and NO jewelry.


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