MEMBERship & Rates
The Gymnastics Academy of Atlanta registers students year round.
GAA offers a free trial class to all NEW preschool aged children (2-5). A free evaluation may be scheduled for NEW school aged students (5-18). This is to insure that your athlete is properly placed in classes of the right skill level and with an instructor that will optimize their training experience.
Registration Fees
Registration fees are $50 for the first child and $25 for the second child, with a maximum fee of $75 per family. Registration fees are due at initial registration and then annually thereafter at fall registration. This fee is required and non-refundable.
Monthly Class Fees
These monthly fees apply to recreational students only. The highest priced class is rated as first class and each additional class is discounted. The tuition is due by the 1st of each month.
2024-2025 Rates
Effective August 1, 2024